Grapes are one of the most popular ancient fruits. Grapes are consumed and used for skincare purposes for centuries. There are many health benefits of grape juice which sometimes is compared to the health benefits of red wine. The pulp and juice of grapes are a homemade treatment of nausea, constipation, liver disease, even cardiovascular diseases.

Grapes are rich in nutrients and antioxidants. The Concord grape is the most common type of grape ideal for juice making. It’s also named purple grape. Another common grape juice is the white one which is also found everywhere in the United States.

Europe, North and South America, and Africa grow most of the grapes in the world. The temperate climate is the most suitable for grapes. Grapes are grown seeds and seedless varieties.

Health Benefits of Grape Juice in Your Body

The antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and nutrient-rich properties of grape juice protect organs like the liver, kidneys, brain, and fight many serious diseases. Continue reading the article to know the 8 proven benefits of grape juice backed by research.

10 Grape Juice That is Important for your Body

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1. May Protect Heart from Chronic Cardiovascular Diseases

Grape juice may help protect the heart from chronic cardiovascular diseases. The fruit is rich in antioxidants, potassium, vitamin C, K, and minerals which help protect the heart, and cardiovascular properties. Potassium helps to relax the blood vessel. If the potassium level in the blood is lower, the chance of increasing blood pressure is higher. Grape juice contains high potassium and less sodium which helps lower blood pressure.

Research done in 12,267 adults on high potassium intake showed that their probability of getting affected by heart diseases is less than others. (Source) It also controls the cholesterol level in the body. A small group of 69 people in the USA having high cholesterol was put under observation. The result was like, the bad cholesterol (LDL and total) level was less in those consuming 500 grams of red or purple grapes daily for eight consecutive weeks. (source)

purple grapes or red grapes juice may reduce the risk of many chronic diseases. Concord grapes have higher antioxidant content than white or green grapes. Many consider that grape juice extracted from red or purple grapes has benefits similar to red wine which repairs the damaged blood vessels, prevents blood clots, and balances the cholesterol levels in the body.

2. May Control Diabetes by Reducing Blood Glucose Level

Oxidative stress is one of the major causes of diabetes. Concord grapes may reduce insulin resistance in your body. Antioxidants like proanthocyanidins, phenolic acids, and resveratrol help reduce insulin resistance in the body. Purple grape’s antioxidant-enriched property removes the free radicals from the cells.

A study on 62 random diabetic patients showed the result that the Glucose level in the blood was in the normal range after taking a daily oral dose of resveratrol for about 100 days. (source)

Another research was conducted on 38 adult men on the impact of grapes on diabetic patients. By taking 20 grams of grape extract daily for 4 months, the blood sugar levels were reduced significantly

The grape has a high sugar content, it still helps to manage your diabetes level because of the low glycemic index, and nutrients available in it.

3. Fights Cancerous Cells

DNAs get damaged due to many reasons which may lead to cancer in the future. A Korean research team found that people with good health frequently face oxidative DNA damage in immune system cells. Daily consumption of grape juice improves the plasma antioxidant property in the DNA thus reduces the risk of cancer. Compounds in grape juice work amazing for colon cancer. Grape juice also helps in nausea, vomiting, and other side effects due to chemotherapy for cancer treatment. A study showed that grapes prevent the spread of breast cancer cells in rats. (source)

However, most of these studies are conducted on rats. More research is necessary for human bodies. Still, rich nutrients in grapes are a great source that aids lower the risk of cancer.

4. May Decrease the Risk of Memory Loss

Grape juice, especially the purple grapes, may help prevent memory loss. Concord grapes contain plant-based compounds that help reduce the chance of memory loss in older people. Random researches showed that the daily intake of grape juice improves memory functionality and positive behavior change. Additionally, it improves focus, moods, and attention in young adults. 

Resveratrol is also considered to have a significant effect on memory, especially against Alzheimer’s disease. However, more thorough research needs to be conducted on humans before reaching any conclusion.

5. Boosts Immunity, Digestion, and Fat Burn

Grape juice is well known for its immunity-boosting ability. Components in grapes help to reduce weight. Grape juice in your daily diet helps your digestion and boosts the immune system. Polyphenols in the grape reduce pathogens, and inflammation, and help in the growth of good bacteria in your guts. (source). Polyphenols also control glucose intolerance resulting in balanced weight. Red grape juice can replace red wine for burning excess body fat. The seed of white grapes has a significant impact on obesity and fatty liver.

Research on obese mice showed that giving a small portion of grape drinks reduced fatty liver thus managing overweight. (source)

Consuming grape juice daily increases immunity in the intestine and digestive functionality.

6. Benefits of Grapes for Kidney Diseases Patients

Grape juice is a natural medicine for patients with chronic kidney disease. The grape seed powder may recover damaged kidneys. One research on obese rats found that rats with type-2 diabetes were given a moderate grape seed powder daily which helped prevent the growth of Kidney Disease. (source). Obese people are at high risk of kidney disease. Grape seeds and skins containing antioxidants that can reduce oxidative stress, and free radicals to control obesity, thus potential kidney disease.

Another study conducted on random patients suffering from diabetic nephropathy and hypertension showed that consuming supplements containing grape seed powder for 6 months improves renal failure of those patients significantly (source).

More than 40% of kidney disease patients have an acute renal failure for the lack of proper blood supply in the kidneys. This is also called ischemia. Antioxidants in grape juice fight ischemia. The resveratrol also recovers the damaged tissue in the kidneys. 

7. Kills viruses and Bacteria harmful to the Body

The grape compound prevents virus growth in the body. Grape juice interferes and blocks the replication process of the viruses by disturbing the protein arrangement of the virus.

It also protects against harmful bacteria and yeast. (source).

8. Grape Rejuvenate Your Skin

Grapes are rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, and Vitamin K. These compounds are highly recommended for skin treatment. Not only by consuming, but the sap and pulp of grapes are also used in different packs to protect your skin. Grape juice shares many common benefits with red wine. It protects the skin from harmful UV rays when you step out. It also prevents acne and pimples. Resveratrol found in grape juice, cranberries, and peanuts is an anti-mutagen having anti-inflammatory effects on the body.

Researchers found in a random study that resveratrol protects the skin from acute and chronic diseases like skin cancer caused by UV rays and free radicals. (source)

Daily consumption of a small cup of grape juice for 3 months may help to rejuvenate your skin. check skin care serum for oily skin

Nutrition Value of Grape Juice

8 Health Benefits of Grape Juice that You Should Know

Grapes are rich in nutrients. Every 100 grams of grape-juice contains:

  • Calories: 69
  • Protein: 1 gram
  • Carbohydrates: 18 grams
  • Fat: 0.1 grams
  • Fiber: 0.9 grams

Grapes also provide the following nutrients of Reference Daily Intake (RDI):

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin K
  • Thiamine
  • Riboflavin
  • Vitamin B6
  • Potassium
  • Copper
  • Manganese
  • Phosphorus
  • Calcium

Grape is an amazing fruit containing various vitamins and minerals with health benefits which include about 1/4th vitamin C and K of the RDIs.

Easy Healthy Grape Recipe

Grapes are a great source of nutrition. However, it doesn’t always provide full potential health benefits when we buy commercially packed grape juice, or grape containing recipes in restaurants. Here are some healthy homemade grape juice recipes for you:

Healthy Concord Grape Juice with No Added Sugar

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  • Washed and stemmed Concord Grapes 500 grams
  • 3-5 tablespoon water

Mash and cook grapes in a saucepan at low heat. Add water, and cook until the juice is fully extracted. Separate the liquid from the solid. Refrigerate the extracted juice for 1-2 days. Eliminate small crystals under the juice to get a clear liquid. Then boil the clear juice for 10 minutes at low heat. Turn off the heat and cool the prepared juice. After your juice is settled, you’re ready to drink your juice.

Mixed Grape juice smoothie with Added Flavor 

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  • Organic Grapes i.e. purple or red concord, Muscadine, black or green: 500 grams
  • Water (depending on how thick or liquid juice you want)
  • Optional ingredients for taste
  • A pinch of Black salt
  • Honey, Jaggery, or brown sugar as necessary
  • Lemon juice as required (if you want a change in flavor)


First, wash the grapes thoroughly with warm water. Blend the whole water (with seeds and skin) by electric blender or mash it with a masher to juice out. Extract the juice until there is no pulp. Add optional ingredients according to your taste and necessity. You are ready to drink your tasty grape juice.

100% grape juice without adding any sugar or additives works like a magic for health recovery. You can consume grapes in some other ways as well.

  • You can eat whole grapes as snacks.
  • Frozen grapes can be a good treat.
  • Finely cut grapes make your salad more flavorful.
  • Grape juice with milk makes a great shake.
  • Grape juice with other fruits makes a tasty smoothie.
  • Grapes can be served as a tasty dessert.

Risk Factors of Grape Juice

Besides the many health benefits of grape juice, there are some health concerns as well. Grapes contain high amounts of natural sugar and calories. Consuming too much may lead to health concerns. Additionally, there’s still controversy about the benefits of resveratrol in the human body, because most of the research is done on laboratory rats. (source)

High natural sugar is usually not as harmful as artificial sweeteners, but over-consuming it can increase the blood sugar level resulting in diabetes. Furthermore, most of the grape-based beverages contain no fiber. Whole grapes can help in this case as it is rich in fiber content. Grape juice with added sugar and flavor may also contribute to weight gain. So, consider the portion you want to drink daily. Americans’ dietary guideline suggests drinking a maximum of half cup juice per day.

The Bottom Line

There are many health benefits of grape-juice. However, grape-flavored drinks in the market may contain artificial chemicals, colors, sugar, and water added instead of natural grape extracts which are harmful to us. These added ingredients contain high calories, and fewer vitamins and minerals. If you want to buy natural healthy grape juice, look for “100% juice” on the pack of the juice to get full benefits from it. You can also replace the juice with the whole grape which might benefit your health more because of its rich fiber, nutrients, and plant compounds. The sugar content may also be harmless because of the low glycemic index in it which discards the chance of increased blood sugar level in your body. You can eat grapes in many ways like whole fruit, frozen, salad, juice, or wine.

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Questions Answered by Health Experts

Q: Can drinking grape juice prevent stomach flu?

A: Experts say that grape juice doesn’t recover the stomach flu. Drinking too much grape juice may cause low blood pressure and iron deficiency.

Q: Is it good to drink grape juice every day?

A: Grape juice has many health benefits. Drinking grape juice daily helps to reduce the risk of heart diseases. It also aids in improving kidney function, memory function, and impacts positively on other organs. However, drinking too much grape juice can lead to weight gain or increased blood sugar because of its high sugar content.

Q: How much grape juice should you drink per day?

A: Grape juice is very healthy to drink every day. However, because of its high sugar content, the amount should be limited. The Americans’ Dietary Guidelines Association suggests drinking a half cup of grape juice every day.

Q: Which grape juice is the healthiest?

A: You can find different types of grapes including purple, red or black, white or green, concord, and Muscadine in different parts of the world. Among them, the purple or red concord grapes are considered the most beneficial to health. Juice extracted from concord grapes without any added sugar, water or flavor are the healthiest grape juice with many benefits.

Q: Does grape juice kill viruses?

A: Grape juice doesn’t kill the viruses directly. But the antioxidants in it boosts your immune system, as well as increasing the pH level in your stomach which makes it uninhabitable for the viruses in your body.

Q: Does grape juice offer the same heart benefits as red wine?

A: Grape produces both juice and red wine. The difference is in the making process which changes the chemical properties in them. Even if the amount of the compounds differs in red wines from raw grape juices, both of them offer great benefits to health. Both of the drinks reduce the risk of blood pressure, the chance of heart diseases, and block in the blood vessels.

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Q: How To Store Grape Juice The Right Way?

A: You can store homemade natural grape juice for up to 12 months in refrigerators. First, wash the grapes, mash them thoroughly with a masher. Then add a little amount of water and simmer at low heat. After the skin becomes soft, and juice comes out, cool it down, and strain it to juice out from the pulp and skin. Refrigerate the liquid for up to 48 hours. Now again separate the remaining juice from the bottom crystal for a clearer juice. You can store this juice in the refrigerator for further use.

Q: Is Welch’s grape juice healthy?

A: Welch’s 100% grape juice offers pure and fresh juice without any added sugar or additives. It is considered healthy and recommended by many health experts.

Q: What are the benefits of green or white grape juice?

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A: White grapes (also known as green grapes by many people) are low in calories. They are a good source of vitamin C and minerals including iron. Green grapes improve immunity, fill up the iron deficiency in the body, and help to meet the daily carbohydrate intake in the body.